Good News... Good Firing!
Just a quick post to say that the firing that I finished at 2.30am on the post before has turned out well. Unpacked it this morning. I made several useful tests to help sort out where I was going wrong before with the glazes, and I made a big change to the firing, doing the climb to top temperature much faster than previously, firing slightly lower, and adding quarter of an hour to the crystal growing period. Anyway, results are most encouraging, so thanks for your crossed fingers, prayers, and supportive comments!
Must dash now and keep working, but here are some quick pictures, sorry some are blurry.
those really look great I bet you are pleased!
Many Thankyous for your lovely comments, it is nice having something good to celebrate. Welcome to my blog Sheila, I was wondering who those socks belonged to!
Another late firing tonight... some more bowls.